Wal-Mart's Holiday Marketing Plan
I think Wal-Mart finally has a good idea! A pet peeve of mine is when stores have a holiday isle, but won’t call it a Christmas isle. I mean why not? If you’re going to sell decorations, call them what they are! I hate it when society places so much an importance on not offending anyone, that they totally miss the meaning of the season. They are so worried about some freedom from religion that they forget about our freedom of religion. Besides, most of the people that I know celebrate Christmas, and believe that Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Even some Muslims I know celebrate Christmas for the purposes of Christ. They may have some other beliefs that separate us spiritually, but they aren’t offended in the slightest way by Christmas. Society has become so unattached with the real meaning of Christmas, that it has become one big marketing scam. This actually might be good from a business side of things, to totally materialize everything important to people; but, I am taking a stand! I am proud of Wal-Mart for bringing back the name of Christmas into their items to the extent that I may shop there sometime this year (as opposed to other stores who are too chicken to call things what they are).
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